Atlantic Courses was established by a small group of medics with a passion for medical education. Having taught on traditional courses for many years, we felt that it was time that a platform was available for people to be able to upload their educational material to reach a larger audience.

There are so many great educators in the medical world, inclduing doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, and so many other allied healthcare professionals. Knowledge is slowly built over many years and while much of that knowledge is passed onto the next generation through a direct apprenticeship model with on the job training, we thought that having a platform that was easy for anyone to upload course matertial and easy for others to gain access to it would be a great help to people finding their way in a new field, or who just want to brush up on more expert knowledge.

We all have busy jobs and finding the time to attend courses can be challenging. Atlantic Courses provides the opportunity to access quality course material at any time. It enables educators to package helpful material into effective courses,. The courses themselves can be worked thourgh at the learners own pace, with a course certificate provided so that it can be added to a learners portfolio or used in their appriasal.


Atlantic Courses aims to provide top quality online courses which are freely available to everyone. It is a platform to share knowledge and to provide an effective teaching and learning environment.

We hope that educators will be able to reach more people then ever before and have the opportunity to share their knowledge and passion for their subject, passing this on to the next generation. Effective learning not only strengthens the medical profession, but ultimately improves the management of our future patients.

Working lives are busier than ever and time available for learning is a constant challenge. We hope that having a library of courses freely available at your fingertips will enable everyone to be able to dip in to learn something at any time, wherever they are.