
Back pain

Videos 2
Slideshows 7
Documents 1
Quizzes 1

Back pain eCOURSE

Summary and Aims

Back pain is common throughout society and hence a common presenting complaint to both primary care and the Emergency department. It is important to be able to differentiate the important causes of back pain which require emergent investigation, from those that will likely resolve on their own.

This eCourse takes the learner through the assessment of patients with back pain, as well as outlining the 'Red flags' that need to be elicited and the various pathologies which back pain could represent. There is also some useful information on preventative strategies to avoid back pain and exercises that van be performed.

The pass mark for the quiz is set at 70% and you can take it as often as you need.

Back pain
By Andrew Major
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I am an orthopaedic core trainee in London and enjoy teaching. I often present to my department and hope to create a number of courses from the material I have accrued, in the coming months.