
Commonly missed injuries

Slideshows 3
Quizzes 1
Enroled 9

Commonly missed injuries eCOURSE

Summary and Aims

It's easy to miss injuries and so you need to take extra care to remember those injuries which are commonly missed.

This eCourse will take you through such injuires and at the end you can test your knowledge.

Remember you can come back to the slideshows at any time.

Good luck !

Commonly missed injuries
By Chris White
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I went to medical school in Leeds, but moved to london a few years ago and am currently working as a T&O registrar.

Am also currently training for a triathalon so have my hands full !

Questions & Answers

Simon Astley

Chris - great course. How about thumb UCL injuries - I find these are easy to miss ?

William Jackson

Thanks !