
Injuries that that can be managed in the ED

Slideshows 2
Documents 5
Quizzes 1
Enroled 14

Injuries that that can be managed in the ED eCOURSE

Summary and Aims

There are many types of injury which are seen in the Emergency Department. Some will need referral to a fracture clinic for ongoing advice and management, but there are also many others that can be managed effectively at their initial presentation to ED without the need for routine onward referral to the orthopaedic team or fracture clinic.

Avoiding unneccessary referrals means more time in fracture clinics to focus on those patients that need to be seen. It's also good for the environment with fewer people on the road travelling to a clinic !

In addition to the sldieshows and quiz there are also some examples of helpful patient leaflets but you may have your own. If your hospital doesn't have one then why not create your own ?!

Injuries that that can be managed in the ED
By Sarah Andrews
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Hello ! I am an orthopaedic registrar working in the North-East of England. I have a passion for education and am currently doing a teaching certificate.

I hope you enjoy my eCourses and do let me know if you have any suggestions or queries.
Andrew Major

Really helpful and clear. Hopefully this will give more confidence to everyone working in ED !